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La Verne San Dimas Pop Warner Assoc.

La Verne San Dimas Pop Warner Assoc.

Cheer Overview

Cheerleading was officially recognized in the 1970's, but has been a part of the Pop Warner program for several decades. The first ever National Cheerleading competition was held in DeKalb County, GA.  

Today, over, 160,000 children are participating in cheerleading and dance around the United States.

Participation in the Pop Warner Spirit Program provides kids an opportunity to perform in an organized, supervised, safety-oriented environment.

Pop Warner programs emphasize fun for all and encourage the development of qualities important long after Pop Warner days are gone.

The Spirit Program is growing in numbers each year due to the popularity of the sport. In an effort to keep pace with the many new changes in the cheer & dance industry, there are a few basic rules that are unique to Pop Warner Spirit Squads.

The Road to the National Championships

For a cheerleading or dance team, the difficult road to the National Championship Level is somewhat similar to that of the football teams’. Each spirit squad will showcase their best (2:30) two minute and thirty second routine complete with cheering, dancing, tumbling and stunting at a conference / national championship level. The top squads advance to regional and National competitions as qualifiers in each small, medium and large category, and in each Novice, Intermediate and Advanced level category.

At these competitions, a spirit squad will, again, perform their top (2:30) two-minute and thirty second routine in hopes of winning. The first and second place squads in the region in each small, medium and large category, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced are invited to perform at competitions in Las Vegas Nevada and Orlando Florida,  in hopes of winning a National Championship for their local association. 

The participants in the Pop Warner program are unique as opposed to those of other programs. While they are taught about the values of competition, they are also maintaining their grades at a satisfactory level in order to attain the ultimate prize of being named a Pop Warner National Champion. We salute all the efforts and accomplishments that our participants put forward!

For more Information don't hesitate to contact Renee Lenaburg Pasos our Cheer Coordinator with any questions call or text (562)247-6100 or email to [email protected] 


@ (562)247-6100


Does you child love to shout, dance, jump around, play games, or compete with others? Or maybe you child is shy and has a hard time making friends. If yes, then LVSD Knights Cheerleading is the sports program for them. As Knights with Pop Warner, we encourage and maintain a family team atmosphere, safety, and positive work ethic both on and off the field and competition floor.


After just Two years of rebuilding our league from the ground up, this year we are proud to be able to call ourselves JAMZ NATIONALS, Mt, BALDY and JAMZ So CAL CHAMPS. With a 1st Place JAMZ Nationals Title for our Jr. Varsity Team, a First Place Mt. Baldy Title for our Jr. PeeWee Team and a 3rd place JAMZ So Cal title for our Tiny/Mitey Mite Team, Jr PeeWee and Jr. Varsity. LVSD is a fully circle Cheerleading Organization. What we mean by this is that we are not only a competition squad, we also cheer on our football players every Saturday during the months of August through November. Our cheerleaders and parents also participate in various events throughout the year like the La Verne 4th of July parade, a performance at an LA Sparks game, and a variety of fundraisers and bonding events throughout the year.  

Cheerleading is a sport just like any other and with enrollment in our league that requires a level of commitment just like any other sport as well. Sportsmanship, school grades, attendance, and safety are our main focuses. We strive for a winning season every year and with that requires a full commitment from both you as parents and your cheerleaders. What we mean by this is the effort to be at every practice no matter the situation, every game, every performance, and EVERY FUNDRAISER. 


Registration fees for the coming 2024 Football Season are $930 and include the following:
Performance Music and Entrance Fee for Mt. Baldy Cheer Competition in October 2024.
1 Sublimated Cheerleading Uniform with Shell, Skirt, Bloomers, Shoes and Socks.
Pompoms, Game-day Bows, Performance Bow with Bow Box, Performance Lipstick
Warm-up Outfit (Jacket and Pants), Spirit-pack gear Including; 2 shirts, 1 short, 1 skort, and 1 Sublimated Jersey.

JAMZ Camp, and JAMZ Nationals Competition squad estimated Fee's are $345 - $410. These fees are separate from the registration fee's and require a commitment to attend all events and practices. The dates for camp and these competitions are as follows:
 JAMZ Cheer Camp August 17th - 18th 2024 in Torrance CA $135
JAMZ BID Challenge Saturday November 23rd in Anaheim CA $65
JAMZ Holiday Showcase Sunday December 15th in Anaheim CA (Optional Per team) $65
JAMZ Youth Nationals January 31st - February 3rd in Las Vegas NV $145

We would like to do our best to minimize all costs to you as parents. Typically, we estimate $1500 - $1600 in which each cheerleader will have to fundraise / pay to have a successful Football / Competition season. This will take care of many fees such as uniform, indoor practice areas, , and competition entry fees. To assist in these costs, we are offering that every cheerleader be given the opportunity to obtain individual sponsorships and fundraising. If you are interested in sponsorship info and or more fundraising opportunities please reach out to our
Cheer Coordinator Renee Pasos (562)247-6100

**Participation at the competition squad level is not required to be a cheerleader with LVSD but is HIGHLY recommended. **

PRACTICES and Workouts

Our Post-season and pre-season workouts will begin Tuesday June 4th 2024, from 6 pm – 7:30 pm and continue every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm - 7:30pm until July 28th 2024. 

July 29th, 30th, 31st 2024 and for the FULL MONTH of August practices will be held 5 days a week, from 6 pm - 8 pm at Bonita High, unless otherwise communicated by your Head coach or Cheer Coordinator. Cheerleaders must be reach 20 hours of conditioning and be present at practices to participate in any stunting and or tumbling due in part to practicing safe stunting and tumbling techniques. 

As of September 1, 2024 until November 10th 2024, practices will be reduced to 2 - 4 days a week. These practices will be anywhere from 1.5 - 3 hours long. Typically these practice days and times will go back to Monday's, Tuesdays, & Thursdays from 6 pm - 8 pm.  Cheerleaders must be present at practices to participate in any stunting and or tumbling due in part to practicing safe stunting and tumbling techniques. 

For those wanting to take your cheerleaders to the next level and participate in the Nationals Competition Teams practices will continue on from November 10th 2024 until February 3rd 2025. These practice days, times, and locations will be communicated to you by your Head coach on a weekly basis due in part to weather restraints and indoor practice area availability. 

**Practice days and times are subject to change depending on weather and practice area space.**



We are a full circle Cheerleading origination, meaning, not only do we compete at both the Local and National level, but we also are involved with the La Verne San Dimas community. Various events throughout the year call for a little bit more CHEER, and that's where we come in. Parades and special performances are all part of the coming season. 

FOOTBALL GAMES are Every Saturday, typically starting the end of August until mid November. Every week we travel to CHEER on our leagues amazing football players and perform our various routines and cheers for the masses. These games are held at various times and locations throughout the Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties.

**Please be sure to communicate to our Cheer Coordinator and or head coach if you have both cheer and football children enrolled in the league and would like your child to cheer for their sibling.**


WE LOVE TO COMPETE!!! This year we are proud to be coming home with a 1st Place JAMZ Nationals Title for our JV Girls Team, a First Place Mt. Baldy Title and 3rd place JAMZ So Cal title for our Jr. Pee Wee Girls and a 3rd place JAMZ So Cal title for our Tiny-Mitey Mite team.  As Knights we encourage and promote a safe and competitive environment. However, attending various competitions at both the local, and National level does require a lot of commitment and fundraising. Attendance is crucial to a successful cheer comp season. Routines, formations, and stunts cannot be taught and or practiced if even 1 team member is missing from practice. Our Cheer coaches and staff are willing to volunteer and put a lot of time, energy, and effort in creating and teaching award-winning competition routines, the least that we can do for them as parents is to have our children at every requested practice fundraiser and event. We do understand that this may not be possible for all, simply keeping a clear line of communication with your HEAD coach is how to ensure that your child is not affected by attendance situations.


2022 - 2023 LVSD CHEER

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